The Only Acceptable Trade Agreement Is With Original Indigenous Peoples Of Turtle Island North OPE : ORIGINAL PEOPLES ENERGY
Witnessing Jingoism in 2014 : It is within the realms of reason for China's President Xi Jinping to chide Crown Canada's Prime Minister Harper on the outstanding and significant human rights problems in Canada; namely, the paramountcy issues as arising under the domain of OIP Free Prior Informed Consent : as referenced to Original indigenous Peoples land & paramount governance claims; regardless of CDA, CSIS ; or, Energy Projects.
Kwa'mutsun Nation Head of State Stitumaatulwut Hwuneem's 2005-2013-2014 declaration issuance to the UN Security Council; - challenging Crown Canada's claim of nationhood - remains a principle petition to the UN under the Charter Chapter VII provisions. And, the IMH : International Merchant House provides the access link into indigenous Peoples global commerce and trade venues. Kwa'mutsun is also a divisional seat of the OIPC : Original Indigenous Peoples Court International; which is linked to the UN IGO-registered GTIF.